Nail Challenge #1

January 29, 2013

­Polish: OPI Samoan Sand
For the majority of my life I had rather atrocious nails. It’s always been a nervous habit to bite them and I was always a shy child. I remember when I was little I would bite them so far down they would physically hurt for days. Once I hit high school I stopped biting them and filed them short at all times. However that was also the time I started biting my cuticles instead. For several years I would gnaw at my fingers, making them bleed and scab. Even now, when I still file my nails short and use a cuticle trimmer about every other day, I almost constantly have my nails/fingers in my mouth. Nervous habits die hard.
Even though they are short, I would say my nails are pretty decent at this stage in my life. Not perfect, but not terrible either. I keep them filed so they don’t look gnawed at, I cut away the excess cuticle, and I moisturize religiously throughout the day. But I still don’t have as nice as nails as I would like. I would love to have long nails that I can paint any color I want. (Short nails and dark polishes unfortunately do not make a good combination.) So I have set myself a challenge to have the nails that I want. I figured you could come along for the journey. There won’t be much to the post I suppose, mostly just progress pictures.

OOTD 01.27.13

January 27, 2013

Boots: Dirty Laundry (TJ Maxx)

Hello loves I finally got around to taking some photos. Since I moved my bedroom around I know have a completely bare white wall perfect to do so. Nothing special about todays outfit as my Sunday's are usually spent at my mumsies hanging out and watching Downton Abbey. But here you are all the same. All pieces (except boots) are at least a year old so I can't remember wear I bought most of them.  Sorry for the face, none of my smiles looked right today it seemed. Also I have a few scheduled posts for this week so check back for those!


January 13, 2013

Hello, I have not had a very eventful week and as most of my days have been spent in either a hoodie and leggings or my favorite flannel and sweats I do not have any lovely outfits to post. Please enjoy another round of instagram photos. I'm unfortunately in a "I hate all of the clothes I own" phase. I think this is because now that Christmas is over I am done with winter and excited for spring/summer and all I want to do is go buy new clothes. But not everyone has their spring/summer stuff out yet and besides I don't have extra cash at the mo. So instead I thought I would do a post about things I would like to buy soon and things I am looking forward to when it comes spring/summer.

1. The Urban Decay Naked Basics Palette. I am sure you have already seen about a bazillion blog posts on this recently, but it has my heart. While I still love my original Naked palette, I don't use a lot of the shades. Not that they aren't lovely colors, I just personally have never been a huge fan of shimmer eyeshadows which is why I never ended up purchasing the Naked 2 palette. However, the Naked Basics palette is a godsend that I must own as soon as possible.

2. A Bowler Hat or perhaps a pork pie hat. I am not entirely sure if I will be able to pull this off now that I have no hair (excuse me while I weep once again for my missing locks) but I would like to try. Plus look at this Cat Ear Bowler Hat! I mean really, how can I possibly not have that?

3. Dresses and Collars. Obviously nothing new, however dresses are something that I love to stock my wardrobe with. I don't think I really ever tire of buying them and then frolicking around. Also I am not over the collar craze, there was something so dainty and girly about them. The four dresses shown are all from Topshop. The first is a little chiffon babydoll dress with crystal embellishment, unfortunately it is way out of my price range at $100. Tears. The second, also out of my range at $92, is the perfect dress for my dream of being Wednesday Addams. And now we are back to the subject of not having the hair for the braids. The third and fourth are the same dress in different colors. They are the cheapest at $66 a piece and also chiffon. I love the the triangle pattern stud on the collar tips along with the way the belt pops so lovely on both the cream and navy.

4. Creepers. I have been on the lookout for the perfect creepers for a year now. I still haven't made my mind up about a pair yet, but I can feel it coming soon. I'm really loving these Black and Cheetah and White ones from T.U.K. And how lovely are these brand new Cream Suade pair?

Hopefully I will have some outfit posts up this week, even if its just some shots of my favorite and most worn things.


An Introduction.

January 7, 2013

Hello. Hi. Bonjour. Hola.
I'm not very good at these first post things. It's a new year and I thought with my current list of things I am working on I would start up blogging again. As I've obviously taken down all my previous posts I thought I would write a new little introduction to myself. So hello, I'm Sarah, I am currently twenty-three, and I live in an apartment by myself somewhere in the state of Ohio. Which is hands down the most boring state. I work at a skydiving dropzone which is loads of fun and which I love lots. I also have a lovely kitty who is eight years old and pretty much glued to me. I like to take lots of pictures of him and annoy everyone but making them look at them. I like old fashioned things, maybe a little too much sometimes. A lot of my time is spent reading, on tv shows or movies, stalking the Internet for fashion ideas, and consuming as much ice cream as possible. I tend to watch more British shows and movies, follow more British blogs, and watch more British YouTube channels than I do American ones. I am in denial that I was born American. I would say that is a pretty good summary of myself. If you took the time to read it, thank you. If you think we have things in common and I would like your blog feel free to comment or follow my blog with bloglovin.

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