OOTD 02.03.13

February 4, 2013

Dress: Vintage
Cardigan: Forever 21
Necklace: Forever 21

I feel like here lately the only time I take an effort to look nice is for going to my mom's on Sunday. The cold winter in Ohio is sometimes hard to look pretty in when you are packing on 4 layers or never wanting to get out from under your blanket. For some reason when I went to photograph the so-adorable-I-could-die elbow patches on the cardigan just refused to pick up the coloring correctly, so it is definitely a more vibrant red than the close up suggests. This dress is one of my most favorite thrift store finds. I remember there being two to chose from, a red and the navy, I am so happy I chose the navy. The hearts are such a cute touch and I cannot get enough of the scooped back as I love to show off the freckles on my shoulders.

Also I figured I would mention all the hundreds and hundreds (not really of course) ways that you can follow me and such on other wesbites here on the world wide web.
There is: Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, I've also made a Facebook page (not because I think I have fans, but because of privacy and personal accounts and all that jazz), and lastly I have a Youtube account that I don't really use, but am trying to and hopefully will get over my fear of talking to a camera so that its of use. All these links are in the sidebar also.


  1. beautiful petalwww.adoramehitabel.blogspot.co.uk

  2. This dress is so cute and I love your hair!

    1. Thank you! It needs a bit of a trim, but its so easy to manage.

  3. you are the prettiest person ever! you're making me miss my short hair :) love your outfit, you look gorgeous :)

    from helen at thelovecatsinc // youtube

    ps. enter my new giveaway to win the UD naked basics palette, real techniques brushes and essie polishes! click here.

    1. Aww thank you! You make me miss my long hair haha.

  4. That dress is so pretty! x

  5. such pretty style! very chic and sort of vintage! love your blog by the way! i followed! would be so honoured if you checked out mine!


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