OOTD 02.09.13

February 11, 2013

Dress/Necklace - Forever 21
Cardigan - Pacsun

I know things are a little backwards, but here is Saturdays outfit. As I mentioned in yesterday's posts, OOTD 02.10.13 + A Sunday Update, I had a terrible time this weekend taking outfit photos that I really liked. So apologies for my terrible facial expressions. I have had this necklace for probably about a year now and this is the first time I have worn it. I could never find something that I thought it looked perfect with, so I was super excited to be able to finally wear it.
I tried to look a little extra nice as I spent Saturday at a baby shower for my cousin in law/cousin/idk let's just say family. How shy and quiet I am with strangers is nothing compared to how I am around family. You would think I had never met any of my family members before by the way I act. Its terrible and I always feel bad, I'm just so awkward and I don't know what to say or do so I don't do or say anything.

OOTD 02.10.13 + A Sunday Update

February 10, 2013

High Waisted Shorts - Forever 21
Sweatshirt - My mothers closet

You know those days when you feel your outfit looks lovely and you look lovely but you just can't seem to take any photos that you really love. Welcome to my Saturday AND Sunday. I couldn't get the lighting right, all my smiles looked silly, and I just wanted to punch my camera because obviously it was all its fault. 
This is what I wore Sunday at my moms today. Even though we have had a bit of a warm front in Ohio (unlike most of the rest of the United States - sorry New England) its still way too cold for just shorts by themselves. So I slapped on some tights and a pair of leggings underneath, my trusted solution to everything. This is probably one of my favorite sweatshirts, it fits just right and it has an extremely awesome photo of one of my brothers on it with a bowl cut from back in the day. 
If any of you are Mumford and Sons fans you might have heard of the 2013 Gentlemen of the Road Stopover Tour. They chose three towns in the United States to come to for two days each and by some magic they chose a small as hell town 10 mins from where I grew up. And to top that off they decided to bring The Vaccines with them, which resulted in me screaming bloody murder and running around my living room like a crazy person. Oh how I love The Vaccines. So obviously I snatched up tickets the second they went on sale, which is good because I heard they sold out in like an hour or something. If only Vampire Weekend were on all three dates also, alas. 
That is pretty much the biggest thing to happen this week. I saw This Is 40 and Identity Thief in theaters, which were both extremely hilarious and stared lovely men for me to lust after. (cough Chris O'Dowd, Paul Rudd, Jason Bateman cough) Right now my life is basically just waiting for the skydiving season to start so I can go back to having a life. I actually miss my whiney tandem instructors and seat stealing fun jumpers, who could have thought?

This Weeks Posts:

Currently Reading #1

February 8, 2013

Blog Inc. Blogging for Passion, Profit, and to Create Community by Joy Cho of Oh Joy!
I'm sure most of you out there have heard of this book. I've seen it online for a long while now and after taking a quick look at the cute trailer for it I decided I must have it. I would say it was fate as it was the last copy left at the bookstore. I don't think I will ever regret buying this. While I know there are no definite set rules to blogging, I think its safe to say this is the blogging bible. It has calmed so many nerves and answered so many questions that I had concerning how to move forward with your blog. 

I would recommend this book to anyone looking to start a blog, anyone that is currently writing a blog, and most definitely some of the bigger beauty and fashion bloggers who could do with some improvement despite their popularity. It covers everything: from what sites you can start your blog on, to how to handle negative comments and utilize social media, to explaining how to make money from your blog from things like ads. Depending on where you purchase it the cost varies from around $11 - $16, which is a great price I believe. 

Have any of you read Blog Inc? What were your thoughts on it or what did you feel you learned the most about?

OOTD 02.06.13 + A Second Hello

February 7, 2013

Dress/Tights/Both Necklaces/Cardigan: Forever21
Biker Jacket: American Eagle

I actually dressed nice for work yesterday. I assumed I would be freezing cold partly because it is usually cold at work and partly because this dress is a super thin summer dress to be honest. But surprisingly I felt fine all day. I've also been trying to wear more jewelry, usually I never wear any, so I was really proud of myself for layering these two necklaces. I am so impatient for spring and summer and more dresses and not having to wear three pairs of tights under them so that I don't freeze to death. 

And I figured we should have a proper introduction to the love of my life:

This is Levi, who I usually just call Cat or Baby Boo. He is part Siamese and was abandoned by his mom on a boat as a kitten almost 9 years ago. So I scooped him up as my own and we have been inseparable ever since. 

A Baking Adventure

February 6, 2013

This isn't something that I plan on posting all that often, however I do really love baking and cooking. I decided to make one of my favorite cakes, a banana cake, for my mom for our Sunday dinner.

Everything needed to make the cake.

Usually there is also sour cream, however I forgot to purchase it while at the store. So I added an extra egg and two spoons of applesauce. I also always add one extra banana and double the vanilla. 

Frosting from scratch.

The finished product. 

Don't forget to clean up!

Apron: Anthropologie Tea-And-Crumpet Apron. (Mine is a older version and mustard yellow as opposed to just yellow.)
Original Recipe: ButterYum

What are you favorite things to bake? Do you have a strange obsession with aprons also? I can't help but want dozens of them. 

OOTD 02.03.13

February 4, 2013

Dress: Vintage
Cardigan: Forever 21
Necklace: Forever 21

I feel like here lately the only time I take an effort to look nice is for going to my mom's on Sunday. The cold winter in Ohio is sometimes hard to look pretty in when you are packing on 4 layers or never wanting to get out from under your blanket. For some reason when I went to photograph the so-adorable-I-could-die elbow patches on the cardigan just refused to pick up the coloring correctly, so it is definitely a more vibrant red than the close up suggests. This dress is one of my most favorite thrift store finds. I remember there being two to chose from, a red and the navy, I am so happy I chose the navy. The hearts are such a cute touch and I cannot get enough of the scooped back as I love to show off the freckles on my shoulders.

Also I figured I would mention all the hundreds and hundreds (not really of course) ways that you can follow me and such on other wesbites here on the world wide web.
There is: Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, I've also made a Facebook page (not because I think I have fans, but because of privacy and personal accounts and all that jazz), and lastly I have a Youtube account that I don't really use, but am trying to and hopefully will get over my fear of talking to a camera so that its of use. All these links are in the sidebar also.
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